By Super User on Wednesday, 12 April 2017
Category: Wholesale blogs

Do No Harm But Take no Shit

Do you see customers that are feeling fatigued, disoriented, or out of sorts? Are they frustrated with the way their life is going? Are they being badgered to conform to certain standards by people at work or by their family? Are they suffering from a string of mishaps and bad luck? All of these may be symptoms of Spiritual Attacks or Spiritual Bullying.

If this is so, it is time to introduce these customers to our Motor City Hoo Doo line of candles.

The Coventry Creations Motor City Hoo Doo Line was designed partly from traditions of enslaved Africans, partly from traditions of Native Americans and partly from the traditions of European immigrants. This makes it an All American product. These candles and oils are powerful, efficient and work very fast. Thus they do no harm but take no shit.

Previously these traditions were used to protect people against physical bullying or worse physical persecution. Over time our sensations, image perceptions, feelings and thoughts have changed. Our environment is currently being charged with many challenges that try to corral us into a particular way of eating, thinking and living. These challenges can cause much disparity in our lives. This may not always be spiritually healthy for us. Therefore we are being spiritually attacked or bullied.

Do you have a customer who wants to calm the turbulence in their home life? Burn a Van Van candle to clear the negativity from their home. After an hour add a Tranquil Home candle to bring in the tranquility to their home. After the second hour extinguish the Van Van candle and continue burning the Tranquil Home. If the disruption is coming from outside of their home burn the Fiery Wall of Protection with the Tranquil Home candle.

If there is a gossip fest brewing and their name is in the mix. Stop that gossip in its tracks and reverse the damage that it has done by burning the Gossip Stop Candle.

Just starting a business and want to bring in customers? Or you just want to increase the number of customers that you have. Burn the Querent Caller candle.

Does someone need to really shine during a job interview? Apply the Crown of Glory oil to their body.

If candles cannot be burned or open flames are not allowed use the companion oils that we have available for this line. They are body safe so they can be used in lotions and sprays and other body products. They can also be used with a diffuser or added to a diffuser pendant or locket.

During the month of May we are discounting Motor City Hoo Doo candles and oils. This is a wonderful way to introduce this particular line to your customer. For a detailed description of each of these product visit

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