By Super User on Tuesday, 16 May 2017
Category: Healing Magic

Writing your own ticket

Healing with Patty Shaw

Writing your own ticket can be the adventure you’ve been waiting for.

Writing your own ticket is step four in Jacki’s recipe for a personal magical transformation. For some, no more is needed, just that inspiration to take off and do what you gotta do to mold the perfect life.

For others reading that title triggers a multitude of reactions and justified reasons to go skittering back to step three or two or maybe one. The idea of taking authority over your life is a declaration of independence and a monumentally courageous task no matter where your bravery meter lands. This is where I come in. I help the ones who are having trouble believing that this ticket writing step can be mastered.

We’ll start with a brief refresher. In step four Jacki talks about writing a ticket which will define the way your life will look like going forward. This is very much a “giving permission” step and suggests you’ve had the power all along to get yourself where you want to be. In essence you are making the map that shows you the path from here to there. You will write out goals, make vision boards, make contacts, make changes, and begin giving substance to your dreams. It’s a process of getting things out of your head and into your reality.

I bet the map you envisioned looked pretty smooth and everyone said yes and smiled and patted you on the back as you skated along. And then you stuck your toe in the reality pool and nearly froze it off. Not to worry, you can get through the frozen in fear part and join the others who are industriously writing their tickets. We will start with a candle ritual. This is a creative visualization ritual.

In a quiet place with privacy and distractions dealt with, light your candle. It can be any candle or a Coventry creations candle of your choice. Need a recommendation? I suggest a Ganesha World candle. With candle lit, take three deep cleansing breaths. As you feel more relaxed, become grounded to the heart of the earth and center your energy in your body. Bring your awareness to your heart chakra and travel to the center of your heart chakra where it’s emerald green and very beautiful. As you look into the center of your heart, see your map in all its glory. See where it’s a little worn through where you traveled a section of it many times, as if you were lost and walking in circles. Notice all the warning signs and symbols marking where tragedies befell you. Now notice where the “X” marks the spot of a treasure you haven’t been able to find or get to because of all the brambles around it. If you haven’t guessed, this is the map of how it’s been going for you up until now. I see you nodding your head in agreement.

Let out a deep sigh of release and acceptance. This is your reality, and yet, at the same time, this is what you have power over. As that truth sinks in, know in your heart of hearts that it’s time to take matters in your own hands. Look back at your map and resolve to traverse it again, and you’ll do it differently this time. First of all you are going to have a guide with you. Perhaps a champion as well. Secondly, you are going to keep a bird’s eye view of your path. No more getting lost in your own map. Ok, now do that magical thing you do and be in the map and above the map at the same time. Yes, just like in dreams. With your guide (and champion) walk the paths and undo the frozen energy at each symbol and sign post of warning or skull and crossbones. Do what you have to do to be the victor, the healer and the nurture for each event. Allow your champion to help you succeed. Let your guide show you the way out of the circles and labyrinths. Be brave, be forgiving, be honest, and be loving every time you need to be. At some point you will look down at your map and see that it’s very different. Blockades are down, roads are open and all that is left is the bramble around the “X”. Clear as day you can see the final piece of resistance to writing your own ticket. Now, take another deep breath and notice a big sword appeared in your hands. Now start chopping. If the brambles fight back, call upon your champion. Keep chopping until you see your prize….the golden ticket all blank and ready for you to write upon it. Hallelujah, you did it! Grab your ticket, thank your guides and get the hell out of there. You’ve got some work to do.

Take another deep cleansing breath. Look down at the map and start folding it up. You’ve found the treasure so this map is no longer useful. Throw it in the center of your heart where it floats off into your Akashic records to be placed in the archives of your adventures. Finish up your meditation with a deep cleansing breath and come back to your reality. Great job.

Now you can start writing your ticket. Notice when I said that your reaction was much different. Kinda sounded like fun rather than dread didn’t it? It’s best to start with defining your “Why”. Your “why” is your passion or the thing that brings joy and meaning to your life. It won’t be too hard to figure out. Read over Aprils Living with Moon Magic articles, Jacki’s Live the Magic article called “Power up your Intend”, and of course Jacki’s Coventry Magic book for more details. Once that is locked down you can start building the new map with all the things you want to do that lead to your new “X” marks the spot. This time leave out the pitfalls and brambles. When your map is done, pat yourself on the back and just work it. Remember; be flexible, there may be times you’ll need to take a detour or another path looks more promising. Go with the flow and keep your eye on the prize.

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