By Super User on Tuesday, 16 May 2017
Category: Healing Magic

It takes two baby…and maybe more

It takes two baby…and maybe more

No one lives in a vacuum. In fact magic is not performed by you alone. As much as it seems you are doing your wish fulfillment, spell creation or vision board by yourself, the success of your endeavors is dependent on more than just you.

In Coventry Magic’s book, Jacki talks about your spheres of influence (page 14). You have groups of people who reduce or increase your abundance, joy, love and opportunity. You can use them or you can ignore them. If you ignore them your intention or wish or spell will lose direction and impact because you are inadvertently deflecting their response to your “magic”. Where does it go? Out there or to someone else in your sphere of influence who is more receptive and looking for the same thing you are. Have you ever noticed other people “living your dream life”? Those folks may be absorbing the good mojo you sent away because of your own fear or doubt (to name two more popular saboteurs).

If you choose to use them, and have done your personal work to make sure you are in the most receptive space, the people in your sphere of influence become your best allies. They will take notice of you and will desire to help you. That is how it works!

It is the same with healing. When you don’t feel well or get a diagnosis that need creative and immediate attention, you’ll find dipping into your spheres of influence will get you farther than going it alone. As you network, research and ask for help you will find your spheres of influences start to multiply, but go in a specific direction. The direction will be exactly where you need to go to get the specific help you need to heal.

I went to a lecture recently and a very impassioned man named Mark Roby. He shared his experience as a survivor of a rare and deadly cancer. His diagnosis came with the advice to get his affairs in order and go have some fun, because you don’t have the luxury of time. He was furious with this. He wasn’t even given the support of a fight for his life. Thankfully he didn’t believe the doctors and started to look into his options. It disturbed him when he found that this was the standard procedure for patients with cancer that won’t respond to current known cancer treatments. He was shocked to find that cancer treatments haven’t changed since the 1980’s. As he spoke I was stunned and saddened me too. I’m sure there is a reason for this, but I’m not sure it’s a good reason.

My point is, if you want to survive a rare and terminal cancer diagnosed and you get a kiss off, there is a sphere of influence you can tap into and get serious help.

As Mark took us through his journey, on and on he talked about the importance of getting an advocate (friend or family member) to help you do research, send your DNA samples to independent labs, talk to insurance companies, arrange fundraisers, get home care when needed and making sure you never ever give up. I took copious notes for a while, then just gave up and bought his book, Life Lines to Cancer Survival by Mark Roby PA-C, available at amazon and Barnes and Noble.

Mark’s experience is just one example of working the system and being open to (and expecting) help. Don’t forget about the very important attitude of being open and expectant. That increases your attraction capabilities. Then you will easily and naturally feel the feeling of gratitude; which is another very potent part of attraction.

Asking questions and questioning the answers is yet another way to expand your spheres of influence. Resist looking to the past for all your answers too. True the past has its value, but creativity invites new and uncharted territories of information, inspiration and people with ideas you never knew existed. Yes it takes energy, passion, and tenacity and if you believe you are worth it, others will too and their desire to help you will be exponentially increased. Remember like attracts like so be wonderful to yourself always, even when you are feeling low, scared, angry and doubtful anyone cares about what happens to you.

Patty Shaw is co-owner of Coventry Creations, author, teacher and Akashic Record Healer.

For appointments call 248-547-2987 or go to

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