By Super User on Sunday, 23 December 2018
Category: CCI Blogs

Be creative in all areas of your life

We poured extra batches of Happy Home Blessed Herbal candles this month because we all can’t seem to ignore what’s going on locally and nationally. The sun moving through Aquarius and Pisces is the reason. The planets want us to see the big picture and sometimes it’s not a pretty one.

Plus, things may feel a little to impersonal as we notice our technology has built imaginary walls around us. Emoji hugs just don’t cut it. Remember your people and call them together for some meaningful playtime. Use our Hive Magic patch to make those magical connections and break down those walls.

For some of us, our professional image and reputation is up for a well needed renovation. Thanks to the sun visiting the 10th house. If that is you, don’t ignore the urge to update your wardrobe and attitude.

Storm Cestavani tells us that this month is the perfect time to double down on wish casting. Get your Wicked Witch Mojo Wishing Mojo candle or oil on the ready and start asking for your heart's desires. The chances they will come true are powerfully strong. While you are at it, check out your money making strategies. Some brainstorming will be highly supported by the heavenly bodies and you will impress yourself with what you come up with. Burn an Intuition Affirmation candle to enhance the process.

Mercury will be in Pisces this month and toward the end of the month it’s preparing to retrograd March 3rd. That brings both a blossoming of artistic creativity and cause for concern around honesty. Have fun expressing yourself in very creative ways. When planets go retrograde they bring out the shifty darkside in each of us. At the end of February, go ahead and do some protection magic for your home and possessions. Business owners, keep an eye out for shoplifters. Everyone, do your best not to fall for scams. If it’s too good to be true, it usually is. Keep a Motor City Hoo Doo Uncrossing candle going and stay sharp. You can also anoint yourself and your belongings with Uncrossing oil or spritz with our Ninja Power Wicked Good Spray.

In the love department, your valentine may be more receptive to an old fashioned date with all the trappings as Venus floats through Capricorn. Keep it romantic and traditional. If you do it right you will be rewarded with conversations about what is so right with your relationship. Don’t be discouraged if there is talk of needing more equality and a look at root causes of problems in you relationship. It’s all good and will lead you both to higher grounds.

Stay very conservative with your spending this month. Delay big purchases or investments until later this year. Unless it’s for an emergency. Venus in Capricorn advises that we stay conservative and frugal with our money for a while. This is also a good time for Prosperity magic. Light a Come to Mama Wicked Witch Mojo candle or smear some Come to Mama oil on your cash to attract more abundance to your wallet.

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