By Super User on Sunday, 20 May 2018
Category: CCI Blogs

Balanced chakras are divine

While researching chakras I came upon a teaching about how the Lord’s Prayer from Luke 11 can improve the quality of our chakras every time we say it. It was through Edgar Cayce, the sleeping prophet, how this wisdom came to light for us.

He also connected the spiritual centers (chakras) with our all-important endocrine system. This powerful system makes the hormones and controls the distribution of them for the health and wellness of our body, mind and emotions. Mr. Cayce also talked about the spiritual aspect of these glands and that they contain consciousness. The glands are regulated by impulses or guiding force of this consciousness. While he acknowledges that others believe the energy comes from within the body, he suggest it really come from outside the body as a spiritual energy from God. This is why he was able to connect the Lord’s Prayer with our chakras and endocrine system.

To put it all together Edgar saw a relationship between the endocrine glands in the body, the spiritual centers which contain consciousness and the lines from the Lord’s Prayer found in Luke 11. For more information, I also put my own ideas of what each line in the Lord’s Prayer could mean and I hope you enjoy them.

The Lord’s Prayer for Chakra balancing and endocrine health

Our Father, which art in heaven

This line correlates with the 3rd Eye, our 6th chakra and its color is indigo. Indigo resonates to the consciousness of spiritual advancement. The endocrine gland is the pineal. Its function is to secrete melatonin and regulate the pituitary gland. It is considered the biological clock and tells our brain when it’s day and night. Other sources say the 3rd Eye chakra governs the pituitary gland.

I see this line of the Lord’s Prayer as an affirmation that our true parents are divine and created this world, our bodies and souls. When we look at the tree of life from the Kabbalah, the 3rd Eye is the combination of the energy from Binah, the mother god and Chokmah, the father god.

Hallowed be thy name

This line correlates with the Crown Chakra, our 7th chakra and its color is violet. Violet vibrates with the consciousness of serenity. The endocrine gland is the pituitary and is called the master gland. It secretes the hormones that maintain the health or our reproductive organs. It Insures the correct timing of everything for making healthy babies. Other sources say the pineal is governed by the crown chakra. As we are made in god’s image, we are also creators. What will we create? This line of the Lord’s Prayer asks us to be like God and create paradise and stay in harmony with the universe. On the tree of life, the crown chakra lines up with Kether, the sphere of enlightenment, but always the beginning of something new.

Thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven

This line correlates with the Throat Chakra, our 5th chakra and its color is blue. Blue vibrates with the consciousness of healing and restoration. The endocrine gland is the thyroid/parathyroid. The thyroid gland secretes hormones that regulate our energy levels. Not enough of this hormone causes us to feel tired and gain weight, too much of this hormone causes us to develop enlarged eyes and throat, and suffer with insomnia. The parathyroid secretes a hormone that keeps our bones healthy by making sure calcium and phosphate goes from our blood into our bones. Not enough of this hormone, our bones get brittle, and we experience muscle cramps. The spoken word is the first step in creation. What is said, comes into being when it is backed by will. We can create heaven on earth by what we say and how we say it (with passion). On the tree of life this chakra is the combined energy of Geburah, discernment and understanding, and Chesed, wisdom and mercy.

Give us this day our daily bread

This line correlates with our root chakra, our 1st chakra and it is red. Red vibrates with the consciousness of vitality and strength. The endocrine glands, are the ovaries and testes. These glands help us mature so we can reproduce. Other sources say the root chakra governs the adrenal glands because they produce the hormones that help us respond to threats and give us the stamina to work for our own survival. Our daily bread is the light we receive which is needed to sustain and maintain life. This chakra corresponds to the sphere Malkuth on the tree of life. In Malkuth we live in the reality we’ve created.

And forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors

This line correlates with the solar plexus, our 3rd chakra and it is yellow. Yellow vibrates with the consciousness of focus and concentration. The endocrine gland associated is the adrenal. There are three hormones produced by this pair of glands. They are responsible for activating the fight or flight response in the body, metabolizing foods, and regulating salt and water. Other sources site the gland inside the pancreas as the endocrine gland governed by the solar plexus. The pancreas is where the starches, fats and proteins are metabolized.

To be able to forgive we need to be in a space of safety and feel confident we have learned how not to be cheated. We are always forgiven by our father, and if we are to be like God, we need to do the same with our fellow humans, who are our brothers and sisters. On the tree of life the solar plexus is associated with Tiphareth, Christ consciousness of compassion and love.

And lead us not into temptation

This line correlates with our Sacral Chakra, our 2nd chakra and it is orange. Orange vibrates with the consciousness of enthusiasm and motivation. The endocrine glands are the ovaries in women and testes in men. We are hardwired to procreate and it’s a lot of fun. When we become too attached to the act, we can forget about the other reason we are here; to awaken spiritually. Succumbing to any temptation can slow evolution down, making us travel the same path many times before we rise above our attachment to the material world. On the tree of life the sacral chakra lines up with Yesod, the energy of potential and illusion. This is our prompt to complete our lessons and resolve our karma. Then get back to the task of heading home.

But deliver us from evil

This line correlates with the Heart Chakra, our 4th Chakra and it is green. Green vibrates to the consciousness of harmony and balance. The endocrine gland is the thymus. This gland is associated with our immune system. The evil this gland delivers us from is invading cells that can destroy our bodies. The thymus does it by making killer cells, helper cells and memory cells. Go thymus. There is other evil in the world that tries to distract us from our mission, which is to evolve and stay strongly connect to the divine. We are meant to be humans for only a time, and staying to long at the party is a big mistake. This chakra lines up with Tiphareth on the tree of life and represents the holy child of the mother and father god. Here we learn about equilibrium and the big picture.

For thine is the kingdom

This line correlates with the Throat Chakra, our 5th chakra and it is blue. Again, the endocrine gland is the thyroid. The throat chakra and the thyroid and parathyroid are all about creation, growing and regulating. Here we are shown that everything belongs to the kingdom of god, even the bodies we wear and the souls we have. It is our destiny to return to the kingdom of Heaven as citizens.

And the power

This line correlates with the Crown Chakra, our 7th chakra and it is violet. Again this is the pituitary gland (or pineal gland). Power comes from god through the gift of light. As light shines on our chakras, the endocrine glands are activated and take their wisdom to the body as power. Only then can we use the power to help us learn right from wrong and overcome our weaknesses. It is through our spiritual evolution that our crown chakra opens. Having this line at the end of the prayer reminds us that we have power and can use it to help us grow spiritually as well as physically.

And the glory forever

This line correlates to the 3rd eye, our 6th chakra and it is indigo. Again, the pineal and or pituitary glands are governed by the 3rd eye chakra. Our minds receive the messages and impressions of the glory of god. As we accept this truth, and learn who we really are, we can then manifest it in our lives and create heaven on earth. Once we master that we are off the wheel of earth incarnations and start a whole new adventure in spirit as a celestial being.

Wasn’t that fun? I acknowledge there are many hang ups about Christianity. There were and still are wars and persecutions between Christians and other religions and it is a human mistake. We are still learning to get along with each other. Metaphysics teaches us that the Lord’s Prayer and the mission of the Christ light is meant for everyone. It is a message of compassion and love. Yes, a religion was built around it, but that doesn’t mean only christians can benefit from this blessing. Try it, you just may find it becomes a blessing for you too.

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