By Super User on Friday, 01 September 2017
Category: CCI Blogs

Money Magic that Works

At one time or another, we’ve all played the lead role in that modern horror flick entitled “My bank accounts are in the red”. Your prosperity is no joke, money is one of the basic things we need to survive, so a shortage of it is truly terrifying.

Many have turned to magic to erase their financial troubles, and many of these endeavors because people aren’t performing the right kind of money spell. So let’s explore the pitfalls in prosperity working so that your money magic is foolproof.

Don’t cast when you’re drowning in your stress and fear, this negative energy will seep into your spell and create a block. Trust that you will be provided for, and keep your intentions strong and positive. Don’t allow yourself to think “I hope this works” believe that aid is on the way. Think it. Will it. Make it happen. Avoid asking for wealth, it’s too vague. Wealth could mean a lot of things, money is a part of it, sure, but be clear about the cash flow you need otherwise the universe might send you all sorts of prosperity, minus the financial aid you actually need. Visit the root of the problem, maybe your troubles aren’t caused by outside forces, maybe you need to make some changes in how and where you spend, where you work, or who you lend money to. If you perform one failed money spell, don’t give up, be persistent! Light another candle, say another petition, work until you achieve your desired results. Likewise, if you worked a successful spell and the cash is starting to appear, don’t stop! Continuously work on your prosperity, carry a mojo bag, or rub some money oil on your credit cards. Always remember to thank the universe for her gifts, she is a gracious provider and deserves some gratitude and recognition for helping you out of your financial rut.

For the ultimate money spell, lay out all of your bank and credit cards, anoint them with a few drops of the Witches Purse oil. Next write a check to yourself for the amount you desire, place it underneath a Witches Purse candle, and light. Visualize yourself receiving the financial help you need, and express your gratitude for it. When the candle burns out make a mojo bag from a piece of the leftover wax, patchouli, a shiny penny, a few drops of Witches Purse oil, cinnamon, basil, and a few money related charms. Carry this with you and be sure to feed it everyday.

To purchase the Witches Brew line and more, visit our website and don’t forget to sign up for our newsletter here for more Coventry magic delivered right to your inbox.

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