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Spritual Cleansing- Out with the Old & In With The New

A lot of us have been here - when you seem to be getting in the way of yourself. We continue to fall into the same old self defeating patterns, the same old routines, choosing people who aren't healthy for us, detouring ourselves from our goals.

There clearly are negative items that are present in our lives, and to move forward to a healthy place, we must rid ourselves of them.

When we are in these self defeating patterns, our spiritual relationship to ourselves suffer. Our connection may need a little deep cleanse. I`m talking deeper than deep pore cleanser kinda clean!

Writing down a list of negative items in our life and going into meditation is a good place to start. My attention span does not fare well for long meditation sessions. Most of us are busy with work and families, too.

If you really want to turn this thing upside on its head, open your life and self to all the wonderful and positive possibilities the universe has waiting for you. Blessed Herbal Spiritual Cleansing Candle blended with cypress, lemongrass and sage can help you gain clarity and get you on stable ground. Clearing the path will break you free of the spiritual bondage holding you back from claiming the life you dream of.

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