By Super User on Friday, 04 August 2017
Category: Arcadia Blogs

Mystery of Dragons Blood

I have experienced two slightly embarrassing moments while on this magical journey with Arcadia Marketplace. In all fairness there have been a handful of moments I found myself red cheeked and perplexed with doubt. I have had, and continue to have, many learning curves.

The tech side, especially early on in my assigned tasks, has been challenging. I have prevailed in mastering most of my required skills.

I had not envisioned myself accomplishing these skills before. For others I've mastered a simple strategy. I call it “fake it till you make it.” It has served me well and saved my ass on more than one occasion. At the end of it all, I generally am known for "throw whatever at Stacy, she'll figure it out.” For example, writing a blog. I've made many mistakes. Our Editor (Shout out to Stacy B ) prevents me from looking like a complete trainwreck. Friends, family and readers, props to you for your patience and support. You liked and shared my blogs and I appreciate you beyond measure!

About this whole embarrassing thing x's two. These particular instances are not related to my tech challenges but, products and tools. Now, I've never told anyone this. I'm suppose to after all know what the hell I'm doing. DISCLAIMER - I'm figuring shit out as I go most days just like everyone else. First was when I heard about Florida Water. I legit thought it was ocean waters from coast of Florida. I sort of thought “well, THAT`S DUMB”!!! Why would someone use and buy Ocean water?

Luckily, I had not vocalized this uninformed belief to anyone (thank the dark lords). I was doing some window shopping one afternoon and found myself in a spiritual shop. While shopping, I had the courage to ask the sales associate. For the sake of this story, we will name the sales associate “Breanna.” I'm sure Breanna thought I was a special level of crazy as I giggled while she enlightened me. It turned out that Florida Water was in fact NOT OCEAN WATER AT ALL! It is actually a base of essential oils, rich with history and used for many spiritual practices. Including but not limited to protection and clearing.

So this brings me to my second misconception. Early on, before I had decided where my own spiritual beliefs lay, I had a witchy sister profess her love for using Dragon's Blood. I mean, she is a highly intelligent women and she was singing its praises!! I remember sort of just looking at her and thinking “what in the actual f*** ARE YOU TALKING 'bout lady”? My inner conversation sort of sounded like “Do these lil weirdos actually believe dragons are real? If dragons were real (which, they ARE not ) why would they agree to blood letting a beautiful dragon to use for their alters? This is either their delusion or plain stupidity!"

I realized how ignorant I was about Florida Water while standing in the shop that day listening to Breanna. After learning about Florida Water, I thought I may was well ask about this “Dragonsblood business.” Breanna knew her shit, let me tell you! She went on to share with me that Dragonsblood is a resin from a plant called Dracaceno-Draco and is a rich blood red in color resin. Due to its red color, it can be associated with love and romance. Dragons Blood can be used for a variety of purposes such as ancestry work and increasing productivity. It is considered a powerful protectant. I was feeling plenty PRETTY dumb that day and amused with myself. I was surely rosey cheeked with embarrassment. Yet, I walked away empowered with some excellent knowledge and some mysteries solved.

During August, Dragon Blood and the entire Witch's Brew line is 10 % off.

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