By Super User on Friday, 04 August 2017
Category: Arcadia Blogs

The Power of Witches Brew

Every good cook knows adding a pinch of salt enhances the flavors of nearly any dish. Sometimes even two or three pinches of salt. The same can be said for a magical practitioner when we are in need of extra focusing power. Witches Brew is a multi-purpose go-to tool.

Now, I've heard there is a pretty great beer out there that holds the same name. As interesting as that sounds, know that I'm not referencing the beer. No, we're not talking your morning coffee, either. Witches Brew Candle is one bad mo-fo! The problem set before us might be wellness, balancing your life, increasing your personal power, giving life to dreams, opportunities, or tightening up on some protection. This ubiquitous handy dandy instrument can handle it all.

A spell is our own constitution that we form and bind with the universe. It as unique as you, and your personal triumphs, hardships and obstacles. Without your solemn request to the cosmos, the brew is incomplete. You are its primary creator. Our own intentions are what empowers the spellcaster and breathes life into each magical working. Without the right ingredients "the brew” will be bland, mediocre, even fruitless. I like to think of it as if we are making a hearty soup. A soup intended to nurture our spirits and desired outcomes. Our prayers are the "stock,” the base of this soup. Witches Brew is the “seasoning,” the “salt” pulling out of its flavors. Kinda makes me want to get out my mini cauldron and get to work.( I have a few that I use )

Then there are times when we find we need some added support. We might not be sure what tools we need to cast a powerful spell. Stress and emotions can cause static in the brain. We find ourselves lost and in need of direction to put us in balance again. Witch's Brew is powerful, versatile and extremely effective in this way. Frankincense Resin, creates a sacred space and instills courage and focus. Myrrh clears and rejuvenates the spirit, and prompts clarity. Mugwort, strengthens intuition, protection and healing. That is a heavy load and certainly not energy work for any fair weathered tool. Witches Brew Original formula is powerful enough to take all that on and more!

August is Witches Brew month over at Arcadia Marketplace, with a 10% off special throughout the entire month. Now, that's a pretty wicked awesome deal !

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