By Super User on Sunday, 29 January 2017
Category: Arcadia Blogs

Red Stilettos

There should be no shame in your game. In wanting to manifest passionate, hot, lusty, sex and romance. Embrace your aspirations with both hands. (blindfolded, hands behind your back, face down, ass up, perhaps?) If you're like most of us, you invest a great deal of your time and efforts into your career.

This may include a laundry list of other obligations. It may leave little of your life left over to seek out romantic prospects. All that dirty adulting can come at a deadening cost. For those of you in a relationship, the daily grind makes it easy to neglect needs, yours or your partner's. Responsibilities, work, chores and family obligations take hold. Somehow, it just gets away from us. Those early days of playful flirting and teasing have died away. Staying connected and rekindling is vital. It is those breathless moments that are seldom to few and make this amazing thing we call life, worth it.

First, let me reassure you, I get it. It's not your fault. You need to know we all fall victim to the zombie walk of daily survival. Breathe easy. I have something refreshing to share with you. The exciting news is, you most definitely have the power to do something about it. You don't have to take it lying down. Unless of course, that's how you like it. No judgments over here. Hell, half of our staff would be happy to not have to wear pants to work! (and sometimes we don't!! Shhhh… don't tell anyone.) Look, stress is a part of the grittiness that is adulthood. It's just part of the deal. It's all so exhausting! It's healthy to seek out fulfilling your fantasies and you should! Sex and romance are good for ya, sugar britches! It's natural for us humans to seek out pleasure.

Time is something we are always short on and I want to help you “get some,” and fast. Maybe you wish to invoke xxx-rated sexual attraction romantic ideas. Or you desire to add a little extra awesomeness to your altar work . When you're serious about amping up your appeal. When you're ready to toss all inhibitions out the window. It's time to manifest the rush of ecstasy into your life. I'm talking about heart palpitating, nipples at attention type of desirability. Go ahead and get your freak on! Do you know why? Because you deserve some good loving, lots and lots of it! It's good for you, ya sexy thing!

Just like the magnetic gravitational pull of the stars, you will lure them into your embrace. Amp up your spell work with Dorothy Morrison`s Wicked Witch Mojo Red Stilettos candle. The candle is asex flushed, strawberry red, withearthy notes like, orange blossom, French vanilla and jasmine. sure to rock worlds, attracting all your deepest wishes. The object of your affections will be enchanted by your allure; Spellbound, finding your charms impossible to resist. Now is the perfect time to stock up, too! The Dorothy Morrison Wicked Witch Mojo collection is 15% percent off in February! (Excluding limited editions)

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