By Super User on Wednesday, 19 May 2021
Category: CWS blogs

June is all about self-love

With Pride events being held all across the world, this is a great month to focus on self-love and self-acceptance. This has been a big theme in my writing and meditation this year; many of us treat ourselves as an afterthought rather than a priority and say things to ourselves that we would never dream of saying to someone we love.

Imagine if there was a Yourself Day, similar to Mother’s Day or Father’s Day. If they were honest, would the cards be full of flowery, loving sentiments? Or would they say things like, “Well, I guess you tried” or “You really ought to lose 10 pounds” or “Your house is always a mess” or “Why don’t you have a better job?”

Self-care isn’t just about bubble baths or a night out with friends. It’s about creating a life that generates energy rather than depleting it; about not needing to hide from your own day-to-day; about setting boundaries for the people and circumstances that make you feel sad or insufficient. Accepting yourself means cutting yourself some slack and talking to yourself with love and kindness, instead of always noticing your weak points or (perceived) flaws. One of my quick checks is this: How would my children feel if I said this thing to them? There’s a big difference between criticism intended to lovingly correct and guide, and criticism that cuts down and insults. None of us are perfect, but our flaws and strengths make us who we are.

Our June beginner’s kit is focused on self-love and includes:

Inner Balance oil – inner balance is just as important as outer balance (maybe more).

Red candles for the root chakra. This represents security and your ability to feel grounded and safe – an important precondition for this kind of work. It brings passion and strength to your life, giving you the energy and confidence and courage to manifest your desires.

Green candles for the heart chakra, drawing on your ability to give and receive love and compassion (yes, you deserve this too!). Tap into your capacity for empathy, kindness, and healing.

The stone of universal love, rose quartz opens the heart to promote healing, love, and peace and dispels negativity.

Raw amazonite amplifies your personal power, helping you to speak your truth and honor your highest self.

Pink tourmalinated rubellite is connected to the heart and root chakras. It strengthens your connection to your heart and opens you to love.

Chamomile for healing and stress reduction.

Rose petals and buds for love, friendship, and domestic peace and happiness. Your most important lasting relationship is with yourself.

Rosemary for its properties of healing and purification. It removes negativity, wards off nightmares, promotes clear thinking, and boosts love spells.

The beginner’s kits are for anyone that’s new to their practice or wants to expand their knowledge/use of additional tools and isn’t sure where to start. Each month will feature a new set of tools to begin exploring a new dimension of your practice.

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