Retail blog 2 How did Dr Dolittle do it Dr. Dolittle is a fictional character portraying a veterinarian who has the ability to speak to and understand animals. This character was made famous in cinema by Rex Harrison in 1967 and most recently by Eddie Murphy in 1998.

He seemed to have better relationships with his clientele, than with their humans. So how did he do it? Did he actually hear the various voices of the animals he treated?

There are many people who have close connections to animals, whether it is their pet or all animals. Cesar Milan, “The Dog Whisperer” definitely has amazing skills demonstrated by the work he does with rescue dogs. According to Cesar Milan, “it’s all about the energy. Animals respond to the energy that you give off.” Maybe Dr. Dolittle was able to was able to connect with the animals’ energy and in turn a form of communication was born, which was translated on screen by dialogue. I know, I am speaking of a fictional character, but if Cesar Milan said he “hears” dogs, would anyone had taken him seriously?

Benefits of being centered

Cesar Milan has said that he feels what his dogs feel because he gets centered. What does this mean? This means that you take some deep breaths, you plant your feet securely on the ground, you notice any tension, and allow it to flow away from you in deep into the ground to be repurposed. This may take a few rounds of breathing and releasing tension, and that’s okay!

After you’ve become centered, allow your pet to saunter over to you. You won’t need to call them, they will feel that you are centered and in a great energetic place. They will come to you. Once they do, using your aura reach out to their aura. What are you sensing? What are you feeling? What are you hearing? Do you have a sense of what you pet needs?

I know that there have been times when my family cat would look at me in a certain way and I would know exactly what she needed. I have found that doing Reiki on my pets also creates an interesting and fun bond with them. I can say that I understand the needs of my pets, but I am not Dr. Dolittle!

This month the Witches Union Witch’s Familiar Patch is being launched! This is great opportunity to use this patch to create a special bond with your pet. To get more information on upcoming features, and articles visit our website and don’t forget to sign up for our newsletter for more Coventry magic delivered right to your inbox.