retail blog 1 three best uses for room spraysDoes the room still seem funky even after you dusted and vacuumed? You may be feeling the energy left over from the interactions between people lingering in the air. Sometimes people leave their energetic unhappiness in the room and walk away.

Great for them, but a bummer for you. What you need is a Wicked Good room spray to finish off your housework. The same may go for your office or car. Where burning a candle is forbidden, using a spray infused with fragrance oils is the answer.

My three favorite ways to use our Wicked Good Sprays are, spray the room, spray me and spray an object. I get at least two benefits from this; clear the energy or empower me with the magical attribute of the spray. Before you start spraying your room or car, reflect on what’s going on. You’ll need to use your Spidey senses to determine what exactly is bothering you. After that, select the spray that matches your need best. When you spray, do short bursts and you only need one or two for a 9’ x 9’ space. Larger spaces may need more spritzes. Get the spray into the corners by using a fan to waft the spray up. You can use a magazine to do this, but a feather fan looks cooler. I recommend Smudge spray or Keep Calm spray.

Taking care of my aura is easy with spray. When my own mood is being impacted by the heavy energy I’ve picked up from others I can quickly and easily make a shift by spraying the air in front of me, walk into the mist, twirl around, and say a releasing affirmation or prayer or sing ohm. Within a few seconds or minutes, I feel lighter and the pressure is off. It blows me away every time I do this. I use Wicked Good Smudge spray or Karma Kleaner to keep my aura free of debris.

Clearing or empowering an object is also very easy with spray. Just like spraying my aura, I spray the object or spray the air and wave the object through the mist (as long as you can lift it). Remember to always test the fabric or surface first. I like to use Dragon’s blood spray to increase good fortune, attract happiness or increase the power of my intention of the spell work I’m doing. Smudge spray and Karma Kleaner spray clears the energetic junk out very nicely.

Gift yourself with the Witch’s Union Healing Patch to acknowledge all the things you do to heal your life so you can be all you are meant to be. Wear that baby proudly and be part of the solution!

All of Coventry Creations Wicked Good Sprays are on sale the month of February. Order online here to take advantage of the 15% off special.

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