GC GRThe activity of stray spirits is often seen as threatening, or at the very least, irritating. However, physical phenomena manifested by spirits is often desperate or lonely behavior, a cry for help, or even just a conversation.

Many of us are guilty of conducting a one-sided relationship with spirits.

Seeking them out when we need answers and encouragement, but not considering that there are spirits that have something to gain from contact with us as well. Earthbound spirits are beings that have not crossed over into the light. They are the cause of most “hauntings” as they usually stay in a familiar location, and need a source of energy grounded in our world to remain here. They latch onto objects, locations, and people (loved ones or strangers), and drain their energy to sustain themselves. While that sounds malicious, these creatures are often merely confused, afraid, angry or lonely. Many of them died suddenly, giving them no time to come to grips with passing on, and then there’s the good old “unfinished business” ghost. These spirits need assistance with moving into the light as they often don’t know how, don’t want to, or are afraid to. Having an earthbound spirit in your life can be a major interruption at best, and frightening at the worst. While they are usually only looking for solace and connection, this interaction is draining and unhealthy for you. Particularly if you had a relationship with the spirit during their lifetime, it keeps both of you from healing and moving into a new season of life.

The Ghost Repel candle has a dual purpose; it sends earthbound spirits out of your life and helps them to heal, to find the peace, love and strength they need to move into the light, leaving their past experiences behind. When preparing to use this candle, say a blessing for the spirit, detaching their energy from yours and releasing them with love. Helping a spirit cross over is serious work, so call on the archangels and your guides for help. Visualize yourself surrounded in protective light, light the candle and show the spirit that it is safe to cross over, they may resist, so lean heavily on the help you have called in. Once the spirit has released you will feel overwhelming gratitude and love. If you are unsure of the success of the cross-over, check in with your pendulum. Make sure to ground immediately after, as any work this intense can be draining.

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