the universe it listening

By Krystal A. Hubbard

The stress of the holidays are over. People have stopped wishing you a ‘Happy New Year’ and the nuance of the cheerful holiday spirit is long gone. Hearing Christmas music is now cringe-worthy and your get-up-and-go keeps hitting the snooze button.

Sound like you? You’re not alone. This is the part of adulting that really sucks! It’s time to clear out that funky energy with the Blessed Herbal Spiritual Cleansing candle. I pull this candle out of my magical toolbox to cure the emotional/spiritual hangover from the holiday season. You know it’s rough when that morning cup o’ joe that your aunt gave you for Christmas isn’t uplifting.

The winter blues is not a song

Winter keeps most people inside for most of the season, at least in Michigan where I live. We go to work and are under fluorescent lights, the sun barely shines, and it seems that we leave the house when it’s dark and when we return home it’s still dark outside, we barely see the sun. So, what can we do to lift our spirits? Burning a Blessed Herbal Spiritual Cleansing Candle is just what this witch orders. This candle cleanses away all the negativity that attaches to us throughout our daily lives while coming in contact with negative energies. Let’s face it the lack of being in nature, traveling when it's dark when we are used to seeing the sun, and the after-holiday funk when everyone goes back to their normal lives can leave us feeling empty. The lemongrass in this candle is so uplifting combined with the sage is super cleansing. I burn the Blessed Herbal Spiritual Cleansing candle when I’m feeling aurically filthy.

The first time I used this candle I was amazed at its benefits. I felt like I had just spent the day at the beach combing the sand for seashells. This candle has also helped me to clear out the cobwebs in my brain, and the negative self-talk I sometimes slip into.

Raise your vibrations by cleansing your aura.

Watch how you talk to yourself, the Universe is listening

The Spiritual Cleansing candle helps to rid our tendency to self-sabotage and assists in removing all those thoughts and emotions that no longer serve us. After all, don’t we want to be the best we can possibly be? Our actions, words, and energy directly affects the people we come in contact with. You know how it feels when you are surrounded by Negative Nancy’s and Debbie Downers? It’s feels horrible and your vibrations plummet. The lower your personal vibrations the more negative and murky energy is likely to enter your aura and drag you down. Imagine, if you will, how you can affect the people around you by clearing out the waste and being a bright light for others.

As soon as the party streamers were picked up and champagne bottles were tossed in the trash, well once I woke up on January 2nd, I took stock of my life and where I wanted it to go this year. I wrote down all of my new goals, (not resolutions) and prepared the way by reviewing last year’s experiences. I noticed that I started focusing more on the negative stuff instead of highlighting the positive. My self-talk started turning dark. I grabbed my Spiritual Cleansing candle from my magical toolbox, read the blessing, and lit the candle. I meditated and visualised where I want to see myself on January 2, 2018. The scent of the candle permeated my space and I immediately felt my vibrations rise. There is nothing better than the smell of that candle. Plus I love lemons, so the smell of the lemongrass tickled my senses. I began to chuckle at the good times I had experienced over the last year. I definitely have to restock my magical toolbox with this candle.

Pay attention to those things that make you happy and construct a life around those things.

This month we are focusing on different tools that can assist you in organizing your magical toolbox. The Blessed Herbal Spiritual Cleansing candle is one of my staples to raise my vibrations and get rid of negative energy attached to my aura. Sign up for Coventry Creations newsletter here so you don’t miss valuable information and updates!