Self Empowerment BlogIf you’ve been around the block in the magical community you’ve probably met at least one or two seasoned spiritual bullies. Witches that use their gifts to lay harm, manipulate and intimidate. While serving these hexers a taste of their own nasty mojo seems like the first logical line of defense, there is a deeper weapon at your disposal.

The Weapon of Self Empowerment

Don’t start none, won’t be none is the mantra of our Witches Union here at Coventry Creations. It does not advise us to lay down and take aggression but to block it in a higher way. Fighting negative energy with negative energy creates an exhausting and harmful cycle. So how do you effectively combat someone’s ill intentions? Use your magic to rise above their vibration, empower yourself to a level where they cannot reach you. You can’t be cursed when you believe you can’t be, and no one can bully you when you’re untouchable. So when they pull out their weapons, empower yourself, and take a step up. They may have started it but you can be the one to say “There won’t be none”.

Use Hoodoo to Level Up

There is no greater revenge than success, and the fast acting, deep working magic of our Motor City Hoo Doo line is a sure fire ramp to the level above your bullies. Pave your own path of power with some some cleansing and amplifying juju!

The Motor City Hoo Doo Uncrossing candle is the perfect tool to release yourself from the hooks and drains of your aggressors, as well as the negative feelings you hold towards them.

Before lighting, pass the candle over your head, body and under your feet while whispering your name and your intentions into the candle. Write your name on a piece of paper and place underneath the candleholder. Light the wick and state that your bullies are blocked and their curses broken. Use with Motor City Hoodoo Uncrossing oil for added effectiveness.

Once your Uncrossing candle has burned down, draw in the energies of power and success with the Motor City Hoodoo High John the Conqueror candle. A staple of African American folk magic, this legend of virility and triumph works to give you a leg up over any obstacle you face. Write your name on a piece of paper along with a petition for the magic you need. Light, and meditate on the level above your enemies that he will lead you to.

Visit our website to browse Motor City Hoo Doo and more (LINK) and make sure to check out our new Witches Union swag. This line of fun products celebrates the powerful witch in you and your part in our community.

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