Eight factors that prove there is no wall healingmagic

By Patty Shaw

There’s a definition of insanity floating around and it’s quickly becoming a pop culture reference turned truth. If you say something long enough it can become an entity all on its own and ironically fall into the definition of insanity.

Attributed to more than a few notables, this quote; “The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results” has me both giggling and saying hey, that’s kind of glossing over the pain and anguish the truly insane suffer, even if it’s temporary. This little definition makes insanity sound more like confusion or a misunderstanding of a logical process when in truth an insane person has lost their ability to function in society. The wounds to their psyche pull them inward and focused on their fantasy. There they stay until someone or something pulls them out and back into the collective reality. Mostly they have little or no power over their delusion and perhaps prefer it as it puts a comfort zone or barrier between them and what they cannot cope with.

In my work as a spiritual counselor, I help people who are struggling with the roller coaster ride called life, but, thankfully have not allowed their little train leave the tracks. My clients are not clinically insane but they sure feel like it at times and I can respect that. Too often they can’t seem to influence their circumstances and their efforts to effect change don’t work. Honestly, that hurts. They feel powerless, victimized, frustrated and plain unlucky. It’s this group of people who gravitate to the pop culture version of the “the definition” because it so accurately describes their plight. Rather than calling it a break from reality I propose it’s a block to their creativity and inspiration that is being described here. Something is truly in the way of my client’s success, and these blocks can be sought out and dissolved.

There are key factors involved in overcoming creative blocks. Here are my top eight.

  1. Face your fears

  2. Face your negative beliefs

  3. Get really good at Forgiveness

  4. Love yourself and keep loving yourself

  5. Develop courage, strength, confidence and perseverance

  6. Develop faith and trust in a power higher than you

  7. Be true to your instincts and the inspiration will come

  8. Be willing to let go of what’s not working

There are issues and blocks built into each of these key factors and anyone of them could be the game changer that causes flame out. They are the things that can trigger rage or hopelessness because our blocks are what paralyze our movement forward. They are the harbingers of failure and the true nature of the reason why we’re not able to recognize we’re trapped in the cycle of doing the same thing over and over and expecting a new outcome. Even though we hold the new outcome in our hopes and dreams for our future we can’t seem to get there and banging our collective heads against the wall commences. Healing and change starts to happen when we step up to each and everyone one of our blocks and work them down to nothingness. This is how we master life and this is why there are healers, therapies, remedies and spiritual practices at our disposal. Facing a fear is tough, and facing a destructive belief may seem impossible especially when it comes through the family tree. Forgiveness and self-love require lots of support and guidance to do the reflection and releasing required.

I’m not proposing an eight step program here because attaining victory over your blocks and challenges is a personal journey and not a straight path. In the work I do with my clients I am faithful to their process and both follow and guide at the same time. Together we look at the way their life has been built and use the tools of the trade to make the changes my client desires. The beauty of spiritual counseling is that I can bring the wisdom of their higher self, magical child and body intelligence to help raise awareness. There is nothing like a glimpse of the big picture to change a perspective. It’s much easier to let go of what is not working, forgive the past and gain a heart full of self-love from a higher and more evolved viewpoint. Eventually we tackle the key factors to overcoming the blocks to their creativity. At that point my clients have evidence that they can influence the course of their life. And it wasn’t because of luck, but because of them.

My clients all find a way to let victory be about becoming neutral. Only then they can focus more on the creative process and put less importance on failure. Personally, I find when I embrace neutrality I no longer fall victim to the definition of insanity. It can’t touch me because failure isn’t failure any longer. It has become a teacher. So, being neutral gives us the strength to dial down our reactions to our challenges and dial up the creativity and inspiration to solving the problem. Aka our resistance to facing fear, loving ourselves, developing a connection to our spiritual nature, and so on.

If you relate to the definition of insanity be assured that you are not insane, but struggling with your ability to create and solve problems. The reasons and ways you are blocked is the story of your soul, this life time and what you are learning and mastering. Finding out the whys and what fore’s is the adventure and reason for being alive. In the book DIY Akashic Wisdom you are taken on a journey into your Akashic records to take a look at your story and learn from it. In a way you are embarking on a path to enlightenment. Knowing yourself is to know God. Deep down, after all the resistance is neutralized you’ll find life much easier to do because you will understand how you create.

No matter how you get there, let the definition of insanity inspire you to take pause and let a little light in. It’s in the space of a pause that you will be inspired. Need help, it’s there. Just make one little change and the spell will be broken. Hey it’s a new day every day. Try something different.

Contact Patty through healingwithpattyshaw.com or candlewickshoppe.com to make an Akashic Healing/Reading appointment.