Pentagram for Dummies

Contrary to what you have may have been told or have assumed after watching modern crime shows or scary movies, the pentagram, sometimes called the pinnacle, is not a symbol of evil devil worship. Most people know what a pentagram is. This is probably one of the most recognizable and misunderstood symbols in the world.

The pentagram has been used as a religious symbol since the beginning of history. In fact, it is one of the oldest religious symbols on Earth., Dating back to 4000 BC. The pentagram can be found in art, science and math

The pentagram can be found in Ancient Babylon. An inverted pentagram could be found on the seals in the city of Jerusalem. According,to historIan Rene Labat, the inverted pentagram can have discretional and astronomical meaning.

The pentagram is ubiquitous throughout history and has been adapted in many world religions and cultures. A few examples are the Freemasons, Baha'i, Native Americans, Christians, Neopagans (Wiccans) and Satanists. There are, of course, aesthetic differences in their representations. Most notably, Satanist use of the Goat's head. This should not make these two faiths synonymous.

In Ancient Earth based faith, the five-points represent the five elements of fire, earth, air, water and spirit. The circle around the pinnacle itself represents all of the feminine, the goddess, and the connection of all things. The circle around the pentagram compassing symbol is meant to represent the connection we have to each other and all things in nature. Wiccans (often referred to as witches/witchcraft) do not cast spells for evil to befall upon others. They DO NOT worship a Christian Satan. They are a people who cherish life. Wiccans hold the belief that we are all interconnected, that each of us are responsible for our own choices and behavior, and that peace, love and tolerance should be encouraged everywhere.