may kit BLOGAfter a flurry of spring cleaning, I was starting to think that I would take a break – but it turns out that there’s no bad time for a fresh beginning. With summer upon us and a few milestones coming up, it feels good to wipe the slate clean and take on some new projects.

I was glad to see I can still get a May’s Beginner Kit at the shop, all focused on spiritual cleansing. Good magic starts with good energy, and this kit will give you the basics to clear your space, clear your mind, and make way for your intentions to manifest clearly. It includes:

A sage bundle to clear your space of negative energy, promote health and longevity, and bring wisdom.

Prosperity oil - The Merriam-Webster Dictionary defines prosperity as “the condition of being successful or thriving” – exactly what you’re working toward with this clean slate

White candles for healing, new beginnings, and spiritual growth. A white candle is an ideal starting point for almost any kind of working.

Black candles are for protecting and banishing. They absorb and dispel negative energy (so you don’t undo all the good the rest of your work has done).

Witch hazel offers protection, eases grief, and reduces the passions.

Patchouli provides grounding and brings your senses back to a physical level. It can also draw money, growth, and prosperity.

Jasmine is excellent for charging crystals and drawing in spiritual love. It helps promote new ideas and draws wealth.

Citrine improves energy at every level, opening your intuition and imparting joy and enthusiasm. It cleanses the chakras, balances emotions, and releases negative traits and fears.

Black obsidian is for purification and transformation. It is a strong protector, absorbing negative energy from the environment and bringing clarity of mind and healing from old trauma.

Clear quartz amplifies energy, thought, and the work of other crystals. It regulates energy of all kinds and draws off negative energy.

My daughter is graduating high school soon - I think this is going to be one of her graduation gifts as she starts a pretty definitive new chapter of her life.